Dr. Susannah Mays's photo

Dr. Susannah Mays

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Memphis, TN & Surrounding cities

(13) reviews


Service Area: Memphis, TN & Surrounding cities
Notice Required: 2 hours
Animals Served: All Dogs & Cats
Services Offered: Extended Travel, Deceased Pet Pick up, & In-home consult
City: Memphis, TN


Meet Dr. Susannah Mays, a compassionate veterinarian with 9 years of veterinary services experience. She specializes in in-home pet euthanasia and is dedicated to providing the highest standard of care to her patients. Dr. Mays works with canines and felines, ensuring that every animal receives the compassionate care they deserve. Originally from Greenville, MS, Dr. Susannah Mays pursued her veterinary degree at Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine after completing her undergraduate studies at The University of Mississippi. To further enhance her skills, she completed an internship in small animal medicine and surgery at Memphis Veterinary Specialists. Dr. Mays and her family have chosen Memphis as their home, and they love being an integral part of the community. Dr. Susannah Mays is driven by her lifelong connection with animals. From a young age, she felt a deep bond with them and excelled in biology and science throughout her education. Choosing a career in veterinary medicine was a natural choice for her. Her motivation stems from her belief that every animal deserves compassionate care, and she consistently strives to provide the highest level of care to all her patients. Recognizing the emotional and sensitive nature of end-of-life decisions for pets, Dr. Mays expanded her practice to include in-home euthanasia. With years of experience providing emergency care for pets in Memphis, she wanted to offer a more comfortable and familiar environment for both the animals and their owners during this difficult time. By providing in-home euthanasia, Dr. Mays aims to create a peaceful and compassionate atmosphere, allowing pets to be surrounded by their loved ones in the comfort of their own homes. This personalized approach not only eases the emotional burden for pet owners but also ensures a more peaceful transition for the pet, allowing them to say goodbye in a calm and familiar setting. In her personal life, Dr. Susannah Mays enjoys spending time with her family, playing tennis, practicing yoga, and learning embroidery. She is the proud owner of a yellow lab named Lady and a cat named Paula Deen.