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Dr. Amber Williams

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Atlanta & Surrounding Cities

(2) reviews


Service Area: Atlanta & Surrounding Cities
Notice Required: 2 hours
Animals Served: All Dogs & Cats, Small Mammals, Rabbits, Poultry, Avian, Porcine, and Amphibian/Reptiles
Services Offered: At-Home Euthanasia, Extended Travel, and In-Home Euthanasia Consults
City: Lawrenceville, GA


Dr. Amber grew up on her family’s farm in rural Georgia, developing an enthusiastic love for animals and being outdoors. She graduated from the University of Georgia’s College of Veterinary Medicine, and after graduation, chose to stay in the Atlanta area to be close to family and friends. With a background in urgent care medicine, Dr. Amber worked for many years treating critically ill pets. She developed a wealth of clinical expertise and a deep understanding of the importance of end-of-life care for our beloved animals. Dr. Amber strongly believes in helping pet parents provide a loving and peaceful goodbye to their pets, in the comfort of their own homes, to avoid the stress of a hospital visit. In her free time, Dr. Amber enjoys spending time with her husband and son, snuggling with her own pets: a large tabby cat named JJ and her one-eyed, special needs dog Ava. She also enjoys working with stained glass, baking bread, playing a wide variety of board games, and rooting for the Georgia Bulldogs.